LMBF owns and operates the Website. The information and content available on the Website, or in any communications LMBF sends you are protected by copyright laws. Any unauthorized reproduction or modification, distribution, or performance of any Website Content is strictly prohibited. LMBF and its licensors reserve all rights not granted in these Terms and conditions. All trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Website are LMBF property or the property of other third parties. You are not permitted to service these without LMBF prior written consent or the consent of the third party that owns the marks. LMBF reserves the right, at any time, to modify the Website Content or to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Website or any part thereof with or without notice.
Quoting or Buying an Insurance Policy
LMBF provides insurance quotes and policies online in the province of Quebec for Quebec residents. Online quotes must be completed individually and are based on the information you provide. You must meet our underwriting guidelines and provide us with correct and honest information. We reserve the right to not proceed with your quote/policy purchase when the information provided is not accurate. One of our brokers may contact you to request additional information or to confirm certain information. Your premium may change if the information provided is not accurate. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the terms and conditions related to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email: info@lmbf.ca